HOA Board Meeting November 3, 2022
Meeting Place: Wooden Nickel
Board Members Attending: Sasha, Brian, Morgan
Start: 7 pm
End: 8 pm
What is HOA?- when a developer establishes a neighborhood, they establish the HOA.
Ownership gets transferred to the Board when a certain amount of properties is sold. Board is
elected officials volunteering their time.
Covenants/Bylaws/Community Standards-view covenants at Lowndes county public records.-
used to protect property values. The board's best interest is to honor/protect the covenants.
Community standards have been uploaded to the website.
Website underwent changes, kicking everybody out of the website. It is now up and running.
Community members must re sign up.
Community Questions/Concerns-
● Is 2759 Rabbit Ridge on the website? She mentioned that her address is not showing on
the website?
○ Brian said that addresses were not put in correctly by the website developer.
Issue has been fixed. Board will follow-up on this matter.
● Another Community Member asked if the HOA enforcing Covenants is because property
values of homes have gone up?
○ No, dues increased because of cost of maintenance, general inflation
● One Community Member mentioned that not everyone can attend meetings to vote,
there needs to be more accessibility to vote—via website?
○ Board LOVES this idea. We will implement when/how we can.
● Another Member – Suggested Board revise violation notices to make language “less
harsh”. Also suggested face-to-face conversation prior to the violation letter being sent.
○ Board will revise violation notices to soften language. If the Homeowner would
like more clear, concise communication, the Board will be happy to do so. Board
requests the Homeowner email the board at cottonwoodgahoa@gmail.com to
● Another Member – Are the Community Standards the Board’s opinion of what the
Covenants translate to?
○ The Community Standards are voted on by the Board which are as binding as the
Covenants. The Board must vote on what to enforce but has to remain
consistent throughout the neighborhood. Three board members must be
present to vote on any of the enforcements of citations.
● Another member vocalized concerns that fines are not necessary to enforce covenants.
○ Board has a process of a written warning within a set amount of time, then a
citation is issued, further action typically takes much longer. Our goal is to
resolve everything with respect and on a mutual understanding
● Another member – loves the neighborhood and would not have moved here if there
weren’t an HOA. Views covenants as protecting her property. Wants her money
invested in a place that will hold its value.
● Another member – Appreciates that there is an HOA to keep the neighborhood nice.
Although does not utilize it, appreciates the playground
● Question- is it HOA responsibility to contact a local/State department to create a turning
lane or some sort of visibility/sign for traffic on Lakeland highway?
○ Board will research/add to Agenda for next Board meeting
● Suggestion to set designated days for meetings open to community to provide plenty of
○ Board will try to provide as much notice as possible for future community
In closing: The Board reviewed that although Community Standards are new, they have been
checked by our Attorney to ensure that they are legal and correct.
Open meeting ended at 7:50 pm